On Fri, 3 May 2002, Lynn Turriff wrote:

> Hi again ..
> The fetch hang seems to be fixed. My gratitude knows no
> bounds; in the usual way of things my system is up 24/7,
> and the rebooting was driving me nuts.

What was causing it?  Bad paths?  Glitch?

> That leaves what to do about purging/compressing the trash
> folder.

Try turning it off, running it manually... see what happens... if it still
hangs, maybe it is have problems compressing white spaces (that is what
I'm assuming TB! compress function is doing anyway).  If this is the case,
it may be something on your PC that could be causing it... maybe like disk
compression (Double space) for example?

Another idea might be your virus scanner (if you have one).  It may be
trying to read the file as TB! tries to read it (most scanners do that so
you cannot open an infected file).  If the virus scanner has the file
'locked' in a scan, TB! isn't likely to be able to compress it because
it's being used.  The program I write has a similar problem when dealing
with the database... We advise our clients to turn of active system scans,
but leave scans for things such as disks etc on... purely because the
virus scanner holds the file locked for just too long.  If you've got
one... try disabling it.

> The paths all seem to be correct in TB's configuration and
> also in the registry. I'm still hoping someone will know
> whether it's safe just to delete the folder.

Are you talking about deleting it from inside TB!? or on the HDD itself?
I think the later wouldn't work, and you'll probably get errors asking
where the folder is (depending on the type of folder I believe).  I know
if you specify a specific attachment folder, then delete that, TB!
automatically regenerates it... but I'm not sure about other folders... it
might do it for things like Trash, and Inbox... but custom folders I
doubt... How about creating a dummy folder, dropping a copy of a couple of
emails in there, so TB! knows it has data, then closing TB!, and removing
the dummy folder... and reopening... see what the outcome is... It's a
dummy folder, with duplicated emails... so you should have nothing to
worry about.

> So I'll watch and wait ... tia for input!
> Lynn
> Friday, May 3, 2002, 11:25:08 AM, you wrote:
> [snip]
> >> Also, and this may or may not be related to the previous
> >> issues, I can't get it to compress and/or compress and
> >> purge the trash folder. It hangs (program not responding)
> >> and sometimes returns an 'out of memory' error .. there's
> >> 512 Meg of RAM on the system, and Windows is not managing
> >> the virtual memory. I was thinking that the quick fix
> >> for this might be to delete the folder and hope that the
> >> program would regenerate it on the next start up, but will
> >> that work?
> JA> I am not sure on that one. You may want to check the
> JA> paths set in your program (and/or registry), and if
> JA> they are incorrect, change them to the correct
> JA> location.
> [snip]

Hope some of these ideas bring some inspiration :)

Jonathan Angliss

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