Yes! That seems to have done it!

You guys have been great, I don't think I've ever fixed
anything so quickly using a list group.

I'll hang around, just in case I can return the favour,
unlikely as that seems ;-)

Many thanks!


Saturday, May 4, 2002, 1:16:33 AM, you wrote:

RO> Hello Lynn,

RO> On Fri, 3 May 2002 17:40:47 -0700GMT (4-5-02, 2:40 +0200GMT, where I
RO> live), you wrote:

LT>> That leaves what to do about purging/compressing the
LT>> trash folder.

LT>> The paths all seem to be correct in TB's configuration and
LT>> also in the registry. I'm still hoping someone will know
LT>> whether it's safe just to delete the folder.

RO> Don't delete the folder. Remove (not delete) the tbb
RO> and tbi files in the folder. If TB goes beserk on you,
RO> you can replace. But if they're not present TB should
RO> make new ones.

RO> I just did a little test. Removed the tbi/tbb from
RO> Trash (with TB still running) and afterwards deleted a
RO> message, TB generated a new tbi/tbb pair on the fly.
RO> Until I actually looked into Trash it did give me the
RO> wrong number of messages, but that a minor problem.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2

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