OK I take your point.  I suppose that I always think to myself that
everyone I send to will have a mail client that soft wraps  but I
suppose that this might not be the case so I best obey Netiquette.

Another point I noticed, with "Auto Wrap" turned on, pasting text does
not cause it to be auto wrapped.  Only pressing space seems to trigger
an auto wrap calculation.  Is this intentional?

Ben Kennish

Wednesday, May 29, 2002, 10:24:01 PM, you wrote:

> Just to expand on this point further rather than just say it's
> established netiquette to hard wrap e-mail text.

> Currently, I real mail from a view folder window. The view folder
> window width is based on it's being to display all the message list
> columns that I wish to use. Currently this makes the viewer able to
> accommodate 130 characters per line. If you sent me an unwrapped
> e-mail, then your lines will window wrap at 130 characters. This will
> have me personally not put up with the discomfort of reading your
> messages unless the content was really important to me. :-/ This is
> one very real example how a GUI based client can run into problems
> viewing such messages.

> Not to mention the console based clients which are still used out
> there.

> Unless you are very in tune with what client your recipient uses and
> what character limit their viewer windows will window wrap to, it's
> not a good idea at all to send unwrapped text. I'm actually glad that
> TB!'s editor doesn't support soft-wrapping.

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