Hallo Ravi,

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002 14:46:27 -0400GMT (26-6-02, 20:46 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

RJ> Yes I checked with Cogeco.ca (a frustration in itself!!). Their
RJ> servers are are functioning, they do not know what the message
RJ> means, and they do not support any e-mail client other than...drum
RJ> roll please....OE! (the saps - sorry should have ROT'd that part).

Tried to send you a message with TB. This is my log:

00000002 00000000 26-06-2002 22:31:42 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> smtp.cogeco.ca
+ 00000044 smtp.cogeco.ca [26-06-2002 22:31:42]
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:42 Starting connection to smtp.cogeco.ca
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:43 Establishing protocol with smtp.cogeco.ca
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:44 220 fep2.cogeco.net ESMTP Cogeco Cablesystems
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:45 HELO krakeel.org    --->  250 fep2.cogeco.net
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:45 Starting delivery of KRKL841460763
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:46 MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --->   250 Ok
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:47 RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --->   250 Ok
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:47 DATA  --->   354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:55 .  --->   552 Error: Message content rejected
00008002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:55 Returning message KRKL841460763 to sender
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:55 Completed delivery of 
00000002 00000044 26-06-2002 22:31:56 RSET  --->   250 Ok
- 00000044

Until the 552 response everything looks fine.
According to rfc821 552 means: Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage 
So it's a bit odd that cogeco is complaining about message content. My
own server thinks the message is ok.
Groetjes, Roelof

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