Hi Mike,
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 01:43:15 -0500, you wrote:

> Thanks very much for your excellent explanation.

You're welcome... hope I didn't lose you anywhere.

> > Maybe you might want to take a look http://www.ordb.org and do a
> > lookup on there, see if it's listed.
> It checks out OK:
> Queue status for outbox.attcanada.ca (
>   Last added to the queue by:
>   Last added to the queue at: 2002-05-04 04:30 CET
>   The server explicitly rejected all probes, and has been deemed secure
>   by the ORDB testing engine.
> I would have been surprised if an outfit as large as AT&T had been
> rejected, but one never knows.

I thought that too, but recently our mail scanner software that scans for
viruses has a feature to read rbl (ordb and spamcop) reported Verizon/GTE as
having an insecure mail server.  When I investigated myself, I confirmed it.  I
was in touch with a friend at Verizon, and notified her, she passed the info
onto her techs.

> > I don't personally think it is a TB issue itself... more of an issue with
> > the ISP setup.
> I have switched to sending emails to my colleague's university
> address... a solution that works, but doesn't fix the problem.

I guess it is a way around until either we, or they find a resolution to the

> I didn't feel as though the tech support individual had a vast depth
> of knowledge, although it was deeper than mine :-)

Most of the time, ISP's tech supports are trained on the basic information, such
as how to check to make sure the user is connected, how to test for bad lines
etc, how to check configurations, how to check on certain server statuses.

Jonathan Angliss

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