Date: 13 July 2002, Time: 11:30         
Hi Andy, On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, at 11:21:44 [GMT +0100] (11:21 where I live) you wrote:

AM> Hello list

AM>   Maybe if I describe what I am trying to achieve the
AM>   experts can give me some general pointers / tips. I have a
AM>   small home network of 3 pc's & 2 laptops which are
AM>   connected to the internet using MS ICS through a server
AM>   with an always on ADSL connection. Currently I use a free
AM>   proxy server, JanaServer, only to collect email on the
AM>   server. Individual users then collect email from the
AM>   server using Eudora. I would like to replace JanaServer
AM>   with TB! in server mode to collect mail periodically, and
AM>   use TB! in client mode for users to collect mail on demand
AM>   from any machine.
AM>   I would also like to be able to display on the client pc
AM>   when there is mail waiting for another user - ie not the
AM>   one currently logged on. I do this at the moment using a
AM>   small tray app which simply checks the Jana mail
AM>   folder contents because Jana stores mail as individual
AM>   files in .EML format. I think this is not so easy in TB!?

AM>   Any and all suggestions tips and advice is much
AM>   appreciated.

Ok  its  not  strictly  TB!  related  -  but have a look at to
replace the server with ICS...

Its what I use and it is very very good


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 A secret prize in every call.

  Adam Rykala       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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