Date: 13 July 2002, Time: 12:40         
Hi Allie, On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, at 06:31:38 [GMT -0500] (12:31 where I live) you wrote:

ACM> Adam Rykala [AR] wrote:

AR>> Allie - is your sig delimiter broken it doesn't seem to be
AR>> --<space>

ACM> That's a product of my pgp signature. The signing progress changes the
ACM> signature delimiter. There's a template available that will allow you
ACM> to strip all the pgp related material from the reply. Just replace
ACM> your %quotes macro with the following regex macro and you should be
ACM> fine (copy and paste it exactly as shown):

ACM> %quotes="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is)(^-----BEGIN\sPGP\sSIGNED.*?\n%-
ACM> (Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(-(0,3)?\s*?--\s*\n|-(0,3)?\s*Yahoo!\s|%-
ACM> - -----BEGIN\sPGP\sSIGNATURE.*s?\n)|\z)"%-

ACM> PS// It's better to create a quick template, paste the regex macro in
ACM> it, and then replace the quotes macros with %Qinclude="<quick template
ACM> handle>".

Done - because I just signed a message and it did the same!!!!!!

Anyway   Andy  -  is  the  machine  you  going  to  use  as  an  email  server

If  so  - I would press that e-smith is probably the way forward ... firewall,
email server and antivirus ...


 Thought of the day :
 Time flies when you're having bugs.

  Adam Rykala       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PGP key available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SendPGPKey  [new-wales],  the home of the [new-wales] project

All  messages  both  into  and  out  of  this  account  have been scanned with
AntiVir's Antivirus Mail Gateway for Linux. However, all attachments should be
scanned  also  with  a  virus checker at the receiver's end to ensure that the
files  are  clean  and  free  of  virus  infection.  All  messages are for the
attention of the recipient only.

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