On Sat, 2002-07-27 at 01:37, Dierk Haasis wrote:
> I gather the difficulty for them lies not so much in virus protection
> but the possibility to track the originators of the messages down (by
> simply clicking on the message ID).
> Even if this could *always* be done (theoretically possible), it just
> means that they are afraid of their own (openly sent) messages.

Then I do believe they may be missing a very simple fact... the mail
server logs all connections attempting to send and receive mail.  If the
content was bda enough, and they wanted to track down who sent it, take
the time in the file, who it was sent to, and scan the log files... plus
there is the from fields etc ;)

> Just think of all the people that have been laid off (reportedly there
> should be a bundle) because they wrote badly about their
> bosses/company/colleagues in Usenet. It harks back to the old problem
> of how to behave in e-mails/postings. If one thinks one is "anonymous"
> one will let off the leash.

No such thing as anonymity in the corporate world, I have evidence that
one of the support staff where I work, and admin the network is in
search of a new job, but it starts to bound on the lines of unethical if
I look, or unethical that she is doing it... so for now, I have not
mentioned anything.  There are always plenty of log files created by one
service or another tracking everything you're doing, even if the people
running the service are incompetent, and don't know they're actually
doing it.

> That, BTW, is the main reason Netiquette developed, it is a more or
> less written social code to avoid violence. People seem to forget that
> electronic communication is as viable as classical written one
> (letters, articles, books). There is a nice piece about this by
> Douglas Adams, which, I think, can be found on his website
> www.douglasadams.com. The part about the difference in value people
> assign to different forms of communication is somewhere hidden in an
> article about the future of the Internet (IIRC).

Douglas Adams always has a funny outlook on things, I'll see if I can
track it down, and have a read ;)
Jonathan Angliss

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