Dear Peter, 

 --->>> Peter Palmreuther / Dienstag, 30.07.2002, 16:16:36
        Working with a Collect Account

> Can't tell. If I would I'd have to kill you afterwards *evil grin*
> ... No, just joking :-)))

Hmm - you sure about your joke? ;-)

> But I really can't tell, ...

ok I belive you!

> ... I don't have a 'collect' account. [...]

please see my answer to Roelof where I explain the reason of setting
up 'collect' Accounts.

> The account itself? ...

This I know - the account itself will be setup to collect the Mails
from the 'collect' Server.

> ... Don't know ... you'll either need a SMTP-Server allowing you to
> send mails with arbitrary 'From:' ...

Or with ADR ?

best regards


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