Hi ETM, 
On Sat, 03 Aug 2002, at 22:22:55 [GMT -0400] (03:22 where I live) you wrote:

E> A file folder (in the US) runs with the oldest paper at the
E> bottom and the current papers proceeding in chronological filing
E> order to the top of the stack.  Is this a country thing?

E> Elaine


However the convention for bottom posting for email is a very lon gestablished
one, and one that MS had no compunction about breaking...

The  key  to successful bottom posting is quoting, snipping what is extraneous
and only including the relevant.

Reading  a  top  posted  email  is  like  trying  to  have  an argument with a


04 August 2002, 03:26
                                   [ Adam Rykala : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
                                   [ [new-wales] project : www.new-wales.net ]
                                   [ Public key : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]

Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a 

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