On Saturday, August 03, 2002, ETM wrote in

E>  Is it something in TB that bothers people and I
E> am not catching on to what it is?


No, it's the people in the TB! mailing list who are guarding the gates
against the heretics :-)

I agree with the general approach here, that snipping is good, and
that interspersing one's response within the appropriate part of the
previous message is good. However, Outlook and Notes top quote for a
reason: it preserves the entire record of the thread. A user can still
snip and intersperse a response. Plus, it's easier to read in many
cases. This is, however, a situation where what has become standard
practice for most people (in email, not in newsgroups) is nevertheless
considered bad practice by many. Netiquette generally favors bottom
quoting. With TB!, it's easy to set up templates that automatically
provide bottom quoting.


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