Hello Guy,

It was Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 8:47 AM, when Guy Prince [GP]

GP> I find that when I am replying, forwarding or a new email and open
GP> up the spell checker, the CHANGE ALL function doesn't change all.

I can't confirm.  I just typed the line: dgo dgo dgo

I then ran the spell checker, selected dog from the suggestion box and
hit Change All.  All three were changed to dog.

GP> It changes that ONE misspelling and then goes onto the next
GP> misspelling.

Are you sure they have been misspelt the same way?  Is it possible
you've misunderstood the function?  Perhaps I'm misunderstanding
you.  Could you please post an example paragraph where the function
failed to perform for you?

By the way, you may have noticed you got no replies in a timely
manner.  That is because you started a new subject by simply replying
to another message and changing the subject.  TB offers threading to
read related messages together in a logical order.  The best threading
method is by References (View -> View Threads by -> References) and
your method of posting does not destroy that information.  That means
your post was lost in a rather obscure thread that few probably read
(I didn't until today).

To avoid being accidentally ignored, please start new topics by
creating a new message, not by replying to another message.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.

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