Hello Johannes!

On Monday, September 9, 2002 at 10:54:00 PM you wrote:

> Is there anything that one can do? It happens somewhat exclusively on
> servers that use SSL connections, and most of times even before TB
> logs into the POP3 server. I'm running 1.62b4. Once, I let TB run, and
> after more than 3 hours (!), I killed it because it really wouldnt
> sort this our on it's own.

IIRC, there is no way to tell TB! to take more time; as secure servers
tend to take a bit longer - I've tested it with several mail servers,
from GMX to a widespread ISP (Puretec) to my local ISP (Hansenet) -
it could just be the case that TB! times out without releasing.

The best solution would be an optimised server profile by the SysAd.

Mind you, you are much better with technicalities than me, this is
just a thought.

Dierk Haasis

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