It seems that Sudip Pokhrel said ...

S> Are you using ZA or behind any firewall? This may be worth looking
S> into.

Yes, ZA Plus is running here. I prefer not to disable it because I
consider it a last line of defense for outbound traffic in the event
that something slips through my defenses. It doesn't seem to have the
same effect on Eudora, though, because I can send the same message to
a special Eudora only account with a copy to my regular account (or
vice versa) and only TB damages the attachments.

Sometimes forwarding a damaged attachment (as mentioned earlier)
resolves the problem. Sometimes the attachment is not recoverable by
any means I know.

I'll try contacting Zone Labs, too.

If nothing else, I have been introduced to AVG Antivirus!

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000
5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3
Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 10:30 AM
Technology Corner, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Direct: 614-785-9359   Fax: 630-604-9842
Random thought: "Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt." - 
H. Hoover

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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