
This problem has been discussed in other threads. Same over here:
Attachements (Word, RTF, TXT...) are regularly messed up. I first
thought that the problem is sender-dependent but then realized it is
not. The spoilt attachments alwas stem from messages with multiple
attachments of different file types, though, so that one could suspect a

No NAV installed on my system, so that can't be the cause. Resending
to myself doesn't work in my case. Attachment management is crucial for
me, so I guess, I'll have to switch to another program - at least for
the time being.

All the best,


> For quite some time, I've seen a problem that I thought was a bug in
> TB, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe it's something that I should be
> blaming on NAV.

> When a message with multiple attachments arrives, if the attachments
> are Word files or JPGs, I can count on some file corruption. The JPGs
> will be unreadable or partly readable, for example. This is virtually
> guaranteed to happen if there are 3 or more attachments.

> When the attachment is a zip file, it always seems to arrive intact.

> Is this a problem anyone else on the list has seen? I'd really like to
> retire Eudora, but I can't until I solve this little problem.

> Thanks!

> Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

> --
> Bill Blinn, Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 9/12/2002 at 7:39 AM
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> Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:
> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

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