BB> When a message with multiple attachments arrives, if the attachments
BB> are Word files or JPGs, I can count on some file corruption. The JPGs
BB> will be unreadable or partly readable, for example. This is virtually
BB> guaranteed to happen if there are 3 or more attachments.

BB> When the attachment is a zip file, it always seems to arrive intact.

I don't use any sort of antivirus software on my system, so it isn't

I don't use any sort of firewall software on my system, so it isn't

I've seen every type of file corrupted, be it a .JPG, .PPT, .ZIP,
.DOC... you name it, it has arrived corrupted at one time or another.
(Not all attachments arrive corrupt; the larger the attachment, the
more likely the corruption is to occur.)

I have seen it occur when there has been just a single attachment and
when there are multiple attachments.

Recently, I created a folder called "Test", into which I put several
messages which are "corrupt" in TB!. I zip'd the Test folder
(containing the .TBB and .TBI files) and mailed it to several TB!
users. When they created a "Test" folder and placed the .TBB/.TBI
files from my .zip in it, they were able to experience the corruption

Forwarding a message with a corrupt attachment to a non-TB! user
always results in an attachment that is perfectly valid for the
recipient, meaning that the message was received, and stored, without
any errors. Others have said that forwarding the message back to
yourself also works, although I haven't tried it. What I usually do is
export the message as a "Unix mailbox" and re-import it, and that
USUALLY corrects the problem (but not always). Because of the
import/export, I end up with two seemingly identical messages in my
Inbox, but one is corrupt and one works.

This most certainly appears to be a problem with TB!. I used 'Help >
Feedback > Bug Report' to submit a bug (an even included my zip file of
the corrupted "Test" folder) but never received any acknowledgement or
any sort of response from RIT Labs.


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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