Sh'mae Technology,
On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, at 18:23:19 [GMT -0400] (or 23:23 in Wales)
regarding 'Mangled attachments' you wrote:

BBTE> It seems that Adam Rykala said ...

A>> a) Its being corrupted in memory as the attachment is being reconstructed.

BBTE> Agreed, but would it not have the same effect when the message is
BBTE> being reconstructed in Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express, Pegasus,
BBTE> Netscape Maill, or SOME other program? I have never seen one of these
BBTE> programs corrupt an attachment. If memory was the problem, wouldn't I
BBTE> see some evidence of it in other programs? Wouldn't I see BSODs on a
BBTE> regular basis?

Perhaps,  perhaps not. The problem might lie in a support DLL that TB! uses that
is being supersedeb by a newer one in the WIn directory... If it sounds like I'm
pulling solutions out of my backside, its because I'm trying to see all sides of
this to spot a common thread for a clue.....

I've  just  had  to  rebuild  one  machine  in  work that was being used in Test
Equipment  that would BSOD on ONE APP only - turns out it was mismatched memory.
replaced a DIMM and the machine has been sweet...

I did say MAY mind! As in, have you removed it as a suspect - obviously so.....

BBTE> I  agree  absolutely  that  it's probably happening when the attachment is
BBTE> being  reconstructed, but if it's bad memory, would the same image fail in
BBTE> the same way every single time?

I would mention overheating/clocking but that looks like its also out to.

BBTE> But once an image fails, it always fails. If an image is good, it's
BBTE> always good.

BBTE> I'm really not trying to "knock you back" or to be a smart ass, but
BBTE> I'm not about to take apart three computers (or even one) on what
BBTE> looks to me like a wild goose chase.

Rather  then  take  one  apart  -  I suggested just opening one and swapping RAM
round.  When faced with a situation that I can't explain I tend to go right back
to basics. Mainly because sometimes it gives you a clue to the real problem.....

BBTE> Both ZA and NAV were out of the picture when I received a fax
BBTE> attachment earlier today -- it was corrupt. Fortunately my jFax
BBTE> account is set to leave mail on the server, so I retrieved the
BBTE> attachment with Eudora -- no problem.

Can you try the export-import thingy?

I haven't been able to replicate this problem with the few computers I have here
which is odd. Its a conflict of sorts, but where....?

BBTE> NAV  and  ZA were on all 3 machines (different versions). Except for that,
BBTE> running  apps and processes differ quite a bit. Removing ZA and NAV had no
BBTE> effect, as others have already said.

Any  other  odd  software - is one particularly clean or particularly app-laden?
Does one get a lot of install/de-install. DLL hell is a bitch to diagnose...


| 12 September 2002, 23:25
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      |
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It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite

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