Hello Scott,

On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 at21:53:39[GMT -0500](which was 03:53 where I live)
you wrote:

SM> I suspect that you're confusing messages for a mailing list and normal
SM> non-list  messages.

SM> When  you  send  a normal (non-list) message, TB sends the email, then
SM> plops  it  into  the  Sent  folder.  The SMTP server delivers the mail
SM> to the mail server of the recipient, and that's it.

Well not in my case as I've already explained in two above messages.
Until yesterday all my sent mail came back to the Inbox without a CC
or rule.

SM> When you send a message to a mailing list, TB sends the email, then
SM> plops it into the Sent folder. The SMTP server delivers the message to
SM> the  mail  server  of  the  mailing  list.   The mailing list software
SM> retrieves  the  message  from  the mailbox, and sends it to all of the
SM> list  members.  Since you're a list member, you get a copy of your own
SM> message sent back to you.

SM> People will generally take one of these actions:

SM> Save nothing: All sent mail is deleted after sending, and all received
SM> mail  will  be  deleted  after  reading,  unless it looks interesting.
SM> (Probably won't see many of these people using TB!)

SM> Save  non-duplicates:  Save  personal  mail after sending, delete list
SM> mail  after  sending  (since get a copy of it back), save all received

SM> Save  everything:   All  sent  mail  is  saved  after sending, and all
SM> received mail is saved.

That's the one I do but delete mail from the server after a couple of
weeks. So I need rules in the Outbox so that my mail can be delivered
to the relevant folder straight away? Or do I let it come to the inbox
and move it from there which is how my rules are set up at the moment?

Best regards,


Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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