ON Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 8:19:34 AM, you wrote:

RW> Hello Marck,

RW> Then some messages started not showing up in the Inbox or the other
RW> reader and I'm now told, obviously correctly, that I have to put a
RW> rule in the Outbox redirecting my mail to the Inbox so that it can
RW> be redircted to the relevant folder. Is that correct?

Sort of but it is not the most logical route.
After you press the sent button a copy of the msg will be placed in the
Sent folder "UNLESS" you have an Outgoing Mail filter that moves this
msg some were else. Remember you can also COPY the msg leaving a copy in
the sent folder and one in the new location.

Now you could move it to the Inbox but this will not trigger the
Incoming mail filter because this is NOT incoming mail. You would have
to do a manual refilter.

I would recommend using the Outgoing Mail filter to place the msg
directly into the appropriate folder.

</ begin smart tip alert>
When I am working with filters I usually also set a colour in the same
filter together with the action I am trying to create. This makes it
easy to check wether a certain filter was triggered and used ;-)
</ end smart tip alert>

RW> I think I'm slowly getting there :-)

Slowly but surly and we will all help ;-)

Best regards,
More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads
to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us
pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly. - Woody Allen

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