Hello Allie,

I  downloaded  the  Mercury  software,  but  came  up upon conputerese
problems.   I  don't know what a nameserver is. I was actually able to
start  the command prompt window in Win2000 and find nameserver listed
by  running  IPConfig /all.  So it is working on my broadband account.
I really don't know what the internet name for this system is either -
and there is really no good explanations for these terms in help.

Anyway  it's  working  on  my computer at home, but I don't know why I
would use it here.

I  can't  however get it to work with the AOL account.  I keep getting
the  reply  'will  not  relay  non-local mail'.  I thought the mercury
bypassed  this  and sent mail directly.  I'm not sure what to enter in
nameservers  here or anything else for that matter.  I did a Whois for
aol.com   and   got  some  IP addresses but it didn't say nameservers.
No matter what I get the same response - no relay of non-local mail.

Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 12:18:05 PM, you wrote:

ACM> Hash: SHA1

ACM> Slug [S] wrote:'

S>> I'm  using The Bat! 6.1

ACM> ;) I wonder when TB! will reach that version and what it would be
ACM> capable of by then?

S>> If  anybody  else  has a solution I would appreciate it.  Or any
S>> other way  to  send  out  messages  through  'The Bat!' while
S>> traveling.  My Netzero account won't work either.

ACM> I only have an 'any other' alternative. You could fire up your own
ACM> SMTP server that will deliver the mail for you. No remote SMTP
ACM> server to depend on. A good, fast, modular and freeware server is
ACM> Mercury/32. It doesn't incur much overhead, and I wrote a few pages
ACM> on how to configure it for SMTP services.

ACM> Look here:

ACM> http://home.ac-martin.com/mercury/merc32.html

ACM> Look under basic configuration for SMTP services.

ACM> When you're not on the road, you can switch back to using your ISP
ACM> server if you think the overhead is unreasonable and unnecessary if
ACM> you don't need to run it.

S>> I want to use The Bat! because it is better than OE, but if I
S>> can't configure it to work with my accounts I'll have to abandon
S>> it.

ACM> I hope you don't. :)

Best regards,
 slug                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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