On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:29:14AM -0500 or thereabouts, Allie C Martin wrote:
> Gary [G] wrote:'
> G> Mercury would work best if you had your own domain, and running
> G> your own mail server. Otherwise, I don't see any practical use
> G> for it, as TB! provides all the transport (SMTP & POP3) info for
> G> any account that you have existing.
> You don't need to have a domain to make Mercury directly deliver
> mail for you.

Hi Allie,

Does Mercury have their own mail servers..  How else could it deliver to
domains if ISPs block port 25?  There are several ISPs, i.e. ATT,
Simpatico, etc., which block 25, so their customers are forced to use
their own mail servers only.

Best regards,

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