Hello List, if there is a need of a English spoken message board. I have on running since some weeks. It is a part of my TheBat Info page which is in the moment in German but will be translated to English soon. The Board is English. So let me now if there is really a need and i will configurated everything in English.
-- Ciao Thomas Mailer: The Bat!1.62/Beta7 System: Windows XP 2600 - Service Pack 1 PGP: PGPckt 6.58 Build: 08 | Key: 0xBB9237A9 ICQ: 121117424 (hardly ever online) HP: http://www.thebat.int.tc/ ________________________________________________ Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html