On 10/22/2002, Ricardo M. Reyes wrote:

> But I think it's a great idea to have a web message board, because it's a
> much better way to attract new users to TB!. And for the newbies, I think
> it would be much friendlier and comfortable than this high traffic list. I
> it would get search engines traffic, which is always welcome.

That was the reasoning behind my desire to create a forum... there are
legions of people on the web, not all very computer-literate -- all they
know is IE and Outlook. But they know how to browse the web, and so they
would be able to participate in a forum with little to learn. As they become
familiar with the Bat and what it has to offer in comparison to Outlook or
Messanger, they may eventually "graduate" to the mailing lists. It's been my
experience that many people are intimidated by mailing lists, or afraid a
busy list will send their inbox over quota (hello, Hotmail).

> About how many forums there should be, for me the best is start with one.
> Once the traffic gets high, you can start organizing with more sections,
> maybe with the same structure we have here (TBUDL, TBTECH, TBBETA, TBOT).
> Starting with more than one may be excessive, and unproductive.

My thinking also... start with a handful and just see what happens.

Don Zeigler
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