Monday, October 21, 2002, 2:29:58 PM,Allie wrote in message

ACM> I know that many newcomers and even veterans would benefit from
ACM> such a system. Especially those who don't have the time to take
ACM> on the regular list traffic.

My feeling is that the high volume of traffic on TBUDL would be an
excellent reason for having a message board as well. Even though I'm
really keen to learn more about TB I am still struggling to keep up
with the message flow - others may not be able to do so and drop off
the list. A message board will give access on a different sort of
level to those users who want it. Treat it rather as a drop-in centre
rather than a full-time hang-out! ;-)

ACM> Perhaps TB!'s userbase has grown to the point where it could sustain
ACM> both interfaces for support, in that one could have both a mailing
ACM> list and a message board.

I'm sure it can do - and it will as others have said help expand the
range of users beyond those who consider TB a geeky piece of kit.
Message boards are a tool like any other - and it makes sense to use
*all* forms of tools both to promote and support the product.

ACM> If mailing listsas the TBLists, hadn't existed then a message
ACM> board would likely thrive. I really don't know how one would do
ACM> now.

Whether it thrives or just potters along slowly it will still serve a
need for some users. I have a couple of very small, quiet, specialist
message boards which serve such a purpose. They fill a gap which
nothing else does.

ACM> I don't know how willing the more helpful members here would be
ACM> to participate, and if so how much they'd participate. One would
ACM> just have to try it.

Certainly I'd be happy to use a message board - both in asking - and
answering questions where I can.  Surely it'd be possible to have
enough users in favour of a mesage board to be able to provide a
separate moderation team for it - rather than expect the existing mods
to shoulder even more work! On the other hand - if they want to and
have time to do so then even better ;-)


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