Hello Peter,

Sunday, October 27, 2002, 9:07:24 PM, you wrote:

PP> Hello Barry2,

PP> On Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 8:32:52 PM you [B] wrote (at least in
PP> part):

B>> AIUI - TB! uses temp files to bring in mail and that's where the AV
B>> would pick up the virus definition ( providing you have it set to scan
B>> all file types ).

PP> CMIIW, but these .tmp fiels are used on 'per message basis' when
PP> fetching them from POP/IMAP.
PP> The fragmented message will come in as x messages with x .tmp files,
PP> non of them containing the complete virus. So the AV-engine must be
PP> very lucky to detect the virus, maybe occasionally this is possible.
PP> But in general The Bat! will 'rebuild' the virus _after_ those .tmp
PP> files are imported to message base and already deleted, so in case of
PP> a 'fragmented message virus attack' there will be no single .tmp file
PP> an AV-engine could catch.

In the case of the fragmented message virus that's right. I was really
referring to the way the temp files are created and then automatically
scanned by the AV. When TB! recreates the message / virus I'm not sure
whether or not it would also use a temporary file too ( it must create
something to put all the parts into ? ) and that's what will get
scanned as each bit is added .. once all the bits are in there the AV
gets a hit.

PP> Nevertheless, The Bat! uses temporarily files as well when opening
PP> attachments from inside The Bat!, so first an eventually configured
PP> 'Scan attachments when opening' plug in will take effect and second an
PP> eventually installed and configured resident virus shield will
PP> recognize the virus if the plugin is missing / not activated.

That's what we find with the Kaspersky Personal Edition we are using,
there's no specific plug-in for TB! but it doesn't stop it picking up
those GFI exploits :-)

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  2222

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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