Hello Simon,

Sunday, October 27, 2002, 8:15:34 PM, you wrote:

S> Hash: SHA1

S> 'Lo Barry2,

S> On  Sun, 27 Oct 2002 19:32:52 +0000 your time, you authored this:

B>> When we tried out the whole range of test e-mails from www.gfi.com
B>> using Kaspersky AVP it picked up *all* of them without a hitch !

S> I've done a *lot* of testing today using the Kapersky plugin & it
S> does not lead to 100% detection of all the gfi.com test files. Are
S> you talking about using the resident components?

We don't have the plug-in here for our Kaspersky edition ( there isn't
one ) but yep, all the exploits were picked up OK. Is a while since we
did that so I'll nip over to GFI and do it again .... will report back
later when I've done it.

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  2222

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