
Monday, October 28, 2002, 11:38:35 AM, you wrote:

JN> What, either in terms of technical issues or design philosophy, would
JN> prevent TB! from allowing bullets, italics, underlines, and bold?  In
JN> other words, why not go a little bit toward more functionality and
JN> more complex communications, while still staying well away from the
JN> problems of HTML?

There are several centuries worth of literature that prove the point
that not only does text mode not need RTF or HTML formatting, but that
often simple text can get the point across much better than visual

* Actually text supports bullet points quite well.
* I can also even *emphasize* certain words, or "quote" them. If
  necessary, I can even SHOUT.

Most of the "styled text" messages I receive from people are simply
the a text message using a different font, i.e., the sender preferred
that the recipient see the message in 10-point Times. I don't see this
as adding anything to "functionality". I *do* see it adding to "more
complex communications", but I don't think that's the sense you had in

There's also the "slippery slope" issue - where would you draw the
line? Why stop at bullets, italics, underlines, and bold? What about
strikeouts? What about color? Pretty soon you will find yourself
implementing HTML just to have tags to support all the different
styles you want to include.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

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