Hello Peter,

Friday, November 1, 2002, 11:00:22 AM, you wrote:

MB>> My sister sent me a FWD re a genealogy file. Since I thought it was an
MB>> attachment, I enabled Rich Text/html in the viewer. Opened the message
MB>> and it came up as a page full of little squares.

PM> Can it be, the attachment is a MS Word doc file? I can imagine it to display
PM> in OE but not in The Bat!...

I thought so at first, but Thomas Fernandez has analyzed it a bit
differently in his post, and I tend to agree with him. There was no
attachment symbol with the message.

PM> Roelof wrote:

>> Unless you don't want the contents of the message to be known outside
>> your family, you could forward the message to the list.
>> First press Ctrl-Shift-K so that you forward the message headers too.

PM> Or it might help to send the headers only, to keep your privacy intact. *S*

 I think what is going on is solved. Did you see Thomas Fernandez's
 post? So I don't see any need to bother the list with the message and
 headers. As I said in writing to Roelof, it is just a genealogy
 message telling about people 150 years ago. :)

 Thanks for putting your mind to this for me. I have to admit, I am
 jumpy about bugs in The Bat!

Best regards,
 Mary                            mailto:mrbull@;premiernet.net

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