Adam Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said on Saturday, November 9, 2002, 6:01:24 

> Saturday, November 9, 2002, 8:52:35 PM, rick wrote:

>> after 2 days it is working quite well. It uses probability instead of
>> static filters. Works wonderful so far.

> Are you just using it to filter spam? I was interested in replacing
> all my bat rules with this, but I don't know how well it would work.
> Given that my current filters get 90% of my spam anyway, I'm not sure
> it's worth it.

POPinfo doesn't replace your The Bat filters; it complements them.
POPinfo adds a special header to your e-mail to designate the type of
e-mail, you set up your filters to sort e-mail based on that header.

It's not just for filtering spam - you can filter your e-mail on
ANYTHING. I've been playing with it a couple of hours, and I've got it
set up to take over all my e-mail filtering. Seems to be working out
pretty well - it already knows where to put my mailing list mail
and this is after filtering a mere 14 messages. Pretty impressive.

Of course, you don't need fancy-shmancy Bayesian statistical analysis
just to filter out mailing lists. And, as you say, there's existing
technology that already does a good job of filtering out spam.

The REAL question for me is, can I teach it to separate high-priority
legitimate e-mail from less important e-mail which is still
legitimate? I'm a technology journalist - can I teach POPfilter to
separate the big announcements from big companies from the minor
announcements? (I can't just tell it to flag all e-mail from Microsoft
and Sun as important - sometimes those guys make minor announcements.)
Can I teach it to flag e-mail from my friends, family and co-workers
as important, unless they're just forwarding jokes?

I'm really very impressed with POPinfo.

Mitch Wagner
Technology Journalism and Consulting
Resumé and clips
+1 (619) 461-4316

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