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In <mid:154161003578.20021111075101@;CastleGK.com>,
Jim D [JD] wrote:'

JD> THEBAT.EXE - NO DISK There is no disk in the drive. Please
JD> insert a disk into Drive D:

JD> Please, Obi-wan Batobi! You are my only hope!

You have a little task on your hands. It involves the registry but
it isn't that bad.

Go to the start menu and hit 'run'.

Type  regedit.exe  and hit <enter>.

Now navigate to HKey_Current_User/Software/RIT/The Bat!

You'll see a list of settings that is very plain and not cryptic. :)

Now you need to look in the list for all settings that point to a
path that is incorrect since your drive mapping has changed.

The important ones are:

1) EXE path

2) Program Files

3) ProgramDir

4) Working Directory.

Make sure that these point to the correct drive. If not, then
correct them by double-clicking on each entry, making the correction
in the popup dialog and hitting ok.

Now go to HKey_Current_User/Software/RIT/The Bat!/Users Depot

This is where the path to your account directories are stored.

If the path to your account mail directories are the default
relative to your working directory, then you should see no paths
there. If not, then you'll see the paths there and you have to
correct them to reflect the changes in your drive mapping.

When finished, close the registry editor and then restart TB!. You
should be back in business now. I've been there and done this so I
know it should work once you've changed the paths appropriately.

- -- 
Allie C Martin     \      TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator    /   PGP Key - http://pub-key.ac-martin.com
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32) - GPGshell v2.65


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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