Hash: RIPEMD160

On Sunday, November 17, 2002, at 5:33:46 AM PST, Allie C Martin wrote:

> For the unwary, using the above macro as described, is not without
> problems. If the user wishes to send a message to an e-mail address
> within one of the TBUDL message bodies by double clicking on it, the
> message will be addressed both to the list and to the intended
> address as well.

> The same goes for right clicking on an address in the header bar and
> selecting, 'write a message to this address'.

I have one mail list that is particularly problematic in this
regard...if I want the usual reply mechanics to address my replies to
the list.

For that particular list, there is no "Reply to: <list address>"
header in the messages that come in through the list's server. If I
have no special TB! reply template that removes the *original
sender's* address, and replaces it with the list's address, any reply
will be addressed only to the original sender (unless I use "reply to
all"...but then I have to remove the original sender's address
manually from the "To" field). I've set up an Address Book reply
template that takes care of the basic *reply to the list only* issue.

However...if I want to reply only to the original sender, I cannot
right-click on the sender's address in the header bar, and choose
"reply to this address", because the list's address will still replace
it. So...I've created a Quick Template that works for replies to only
the original sender:


I highlight the text I want to quote and hit F4 (at this point, the
list's address is the only one in the "To" field), then I invoke the
QT, and the list address in the "To" field is replaced by the address
of the original sender.

This method still requires that I remember to invoke the QT after the
"F4" operation, but so far, that hasn't been a problem for me. I'm
wondering though...is there any way I can assign a HotKey combination
to invoke this QT *and* the "F4" reply function in a single operation?

Another question:

I also have a "new message" *folder template* for the list which
automatically adds the *list address* to a new message when I hit F5
while I'm in that list's Inbox folder. Here again though, I run into
the problem that I can't right-click on the original sender's address
in the header bar of a particular message and choose "write a message
to this address"...because the list address ends up in the "To" field
again. I've been trying to figure out if I can create a QT to replace
the "write a message to this address" function, but I'm having trouble
with this one. Any ideas?

The same secondary question applies here as well...can I create a
HotKey combination that will invoke both this hypothetical QT and the
F5 "new message" function in a single operation?

- -- 
PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=0xFB04F2E9&Body=Please%20send%20keys



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