Robin Anson [RA] wrote:'

RA> Just to clarify, using this approach I can hit reply to one of
RA> the messages in the TBUDL digest I get, but to get the address
RA> as above, I need to click in the TO: field and enter the TBUDL
RA> address. This is because the message doesn't actually come from
RA> TBUDL, but from your email address.

Yes. This is how the messages within the digests are. The message
headers aren't modified to include the "Reply-to:

RA> I filter all my TBUDL digest to a specific folder, and had hoped
RA> that a reply template defined for the folder might remove the
RA> need to manually change the TO: address, but for some reason if
RA> I reply to a message in the digest, it doesn't seem to pick up
RA> the folder template. Why is this so?

Because when you double click on a digest message to read it, you've
opened the digest view folder. It's like you're now browsing another
folder. If there are no templates defined for it (and you can't
define templates for digest browser), then default templates are
used instead. Upon thinking, I can't really see why it wouldn't be
useful to the user to have the the messages within digests use the
templates that are for the folder in which the digest is stored.

Allie C Martin     \      TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator    /   PGP Key -

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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