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'Lo Thomas,

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 12:19:31 +0700 your time, you said:

>> but  I  am  still uncertain whether there is an actual proper or accepted
>> usage of 'Re:' in email messages.

TF> "Re:" stands for Reply.

Is that your assessment in relation to TB!? Or are you suggesting that your
answer is definitive?

>> I looked up RFC2822...

TF> This is a misuqoting. Here is the a more complete version:

Not at all. It was selective quoting.


TF> RFC2822 therefore states that the "Re:" may be used when *in a reply*.

Yes,  of  course,  but  stating  that  Re:  MAY be used *in a reply* doesn't
necessarily  define  Re:,  and  that  is  probably  why  there  was  further
clarification  by  defining  'Re:'  as, "from the Latin "res", in the matter
of".  Even if the author's interpretation of the Latin 'res' is proven to be
inaccurate, as you believe, it stands that the sense being attributed to Re:
in  the  RFC remains. And as I read it, the sense is, "in the matter of", or
IOW,  'regarding'.  However,  I  am  not  saying  that  this is the correct,
accepted, or common usage, as that is what I was attempting to establish.


TF> TB and all other (RFC-abiding) clients use Re: in replies.

I  don't  dispute that TB! and other clients use Re: in replies, but I don't
believe  that  the  use  of Re: is clearly defined in the RFC to mean Reply!
Rather,  it  seems  to  me  at  least that the RFC is stating that Re: is an
optional string that can be used *in a reply* _to mean_ "in the matter of".

TF> Note  that  the  little word "may" means that it is perfectly OK to just
TF> repeat  the  original  subject  without  adding  "Re:" in the reply.

Yes, well I interpreted the Upper Case word 'MAY' as in RFC2119. And yes, as
the  use of the string Re: is optional it would of course be perfectly OK to
leave  it out of the Subject: field in replies.

The  absence  of  'Re:'  then in a reply Subject line would seem to indicate
that the presence of 'Re:' wasn't necessary to indicate that a message was a
reply.  Therefore, adding 'Re:' to the subject line of a message must surely
only  indirectly signal that a message is a reply by the usage of Re: in the
sense  of  "in  the matter of", or "regarding"? It's use in this sense would
mean 'regarding' but it would be indication of a reply?

>> Does Re: mean 'Regarding' or 'Reply' when used in the Subject field?

TF> It means "Reply".

I'm  not  altogether  convinced,  and  please  don't take that as a personal
remark  as that isn't what is intended. However, I do accept that in clients
like TB! the use of Re: means 'Reply'.

- --

 Simon @ theycallmesimon.co.uk

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