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On Sunday, December 29, 2002, Mike Alexander wrote...

JA>>   I was after a specific example of a virus that affects TB!, as from
JA>>   the statement, it'd appear that you think there are viruses that are
JA>>   propagated via TB!

> Unlikely. Most viruses/worms/trojans are not program-specific. It's
> only the cr*p from the script kiddies that usually is, and that's
> just because they're using virus engineering software they've
> downloaded off a site and don't know any better.

  Blah, some of the most recently ones are easily coded in delphi, and
  would take no more than 30mins to make. I still seem to be missing
  your point though, from your statement, you made it seem like there
  were viruses that specifically targetted TB!... but now you're
  saying all programs in general? A rather obvious statement, and
  something most people that watch the news would probably be aware

> Any that are targeted at mail generically as opposed to OL/OE
> specific.

  Which are?

> TB is still software like any other and anything that would target
> the underlying mail engine i.e. that targets pop3, smtp etc will
> have an effect on TB.

  Not really... I've not seen one that specifically uses TB!'s mail
  handling to do its work, and in fact have only seen ones that use
  Outlook (Express) to do that, or have their own custom handler to do
  so (see Klez again).

> So, a generic which distributed itself by attaching to any sent
> message would affect TB as much as any other mail program.

  Er, only if you were foolish enough to execute the attachment from a
  trusted point of view. If you are 100% sure of the source, and
  trusted it explicitly, you're bound to cause yourself problems.

> At least TB has it's own address book which solves one of the
> current problems :)

  Not really. The addressbook files are readable in notepad, and I can
  grab email addresses that way. The mail base files (.tbb) are also
  readable in notepad, which would also contain addresses.  Just as a
  point on this:


  Bugbear reads .tbb files for email addresses ;)

- --
Jonathan Angliss

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