Hello M. Evans,

On or about Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 12:17:36GMT -0700
(which was 2:17 PM in the tropics where I live) M. Evans

ME> That strikes me as pretty preposterous.  XML files are ASCII
ME> files and it would be awfully hard for a virus to hide in
ME> one.

...and just as simple for a virus to READ and attack USING THEM.......

I wasn't saying anything about XML per-se. My point was that
making an _Address Book_ more "standard" allows it to be targeted
by any virus.  I have DELETED MS Outhouse AND the Windows Address
Book {WAB} entirely from my system, due to this exact
vulnerability.  I don't even run anti-virus anymore, as I can't
stand the performance hit of 15-20% of my systems resources. I
acquired and use TB! for the very reason that it is (thus far)
immune to known viral attacks.

I'm not stupid enough to execute any file that could be
dangerous, which is the only way something arriving in my e-mail
could do any damage while using TB!  If you foolishly allow
BugBear or Yaha to somehow run on your system, it DOES target the
TB! address book!  Fair warning!  I have worked on 32 systems
this past week alone that are infected with Yaha, and three of
them were TB! equipped systems, but the virus came in through AIM
or MSN IM and were accepted and run by OPERATOR ERROR.

BTW, SOPHOS has an automated removal tool for the YAHA virus at;


It's a lot easier than the detailed instructions (3-5 printed
pages) for removal offered by other AV vendors I have found. Just
make sure you download it on an _UNINFECTED_ machine before you
use it!!  It has saved me hours of registry editing and file
search and deletion.  The only thing you have to do is delete the
virus code from the ?:\Windows\System folder.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Flying in the stratosphere with The Bat! V1.61 on
Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3
with Windows Messenger Service, ports 135-139

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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