Hello Peter,

On Friday, January 17, 2003, 2:43 PM, you wrote:

P> for a couple of weeks I have been observing a tendency on this list to
P> discuss topics that don't fall in the range of TB! beginners. Interesting
P> as they may be, wouldn't it be better to use TBTECH or TBOT?

Or else, define the abbreviations, remembering that they are not
communicating just with peers and friends, but with the entire
list--broad in range of background and in range of native languages.

P> I only mention this because I recommended TBUDL to several friends, and
P> some of them feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of messages they receive.
P> Furthermore they don't understand what it's all about. (SSL, IMAP and
P> such.)

For instance, lately, in the fascinating argument about new features
for The Bat!, here's one old lady who doesn't know what FTP is, and is
too shy to break into the thread and ask.

Although, when I do ask, as with the recent "cut line" thread that I
started, I get enormous attention and help. Thanks again to everyone
for that!
P> I'd like TBUDL to remain a forum for The Bat! beginners. Have you all
P> forgotten the times when you were first amazed at The Bat!? (And had a lot
P> of questions?) ;-)

Well, some beginners dive in already fully certified for deep water.
But there are a lot of us, like me, who jump into the middle of a
thread, top posting and whole quoting to beat the band, and need a
little courteous help to be encouraged to ask our questions.

And then there are others who perhaps stick a timid toe in the water,
lurk awhile, never post at all, and disappear unremarked--and we may
have lost a potentially great fellow Bat user.

Think I'll start a new thread right now, and call it "What is FTP"?

Anyway, guys, think of who your readers are as you pursue these
arguments. Okay?

Good points you have made in this Post, Peter. I hope there will be
others besides me who agree.

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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