Hello Allie,

On Friday, January 17, 2003, 10:48 PM, you wrote:

< snip >

MB>> But, as I said, it immediately brought in the moderator. So I feel
MB>> I should not have asked it.

A> Actually, my request to end the thread was made after 14 messages on
A> it. ...

Point taken. It was not immediately. That choice of words is inaccurate
and I beg your pardon--it reflects my state of mind at the time, which
was possibly exaggerating the situation. :)

A> ... I could have stepped in at any point along the thread since I was
A> on-line most of the time the discussion ensued. I didn't think it was
A> necessary up until when I did.

If I had not felt it necessary to thank Miguel on-list, I could have
stayed out of trouble! :) But I had just acknowledged Jonathan on TBOT
and thought it was only right to reply to Miguel, who was writing to
me on TBUDL.

A> The other thing is that my comment about on-topic discussions was a
A> general one, made for all readers. It was kindled by your comment

A> ,-----[ begin ]----->>
A> |
| MB>> Extremely well put. And I hope if there are any other shy lurkers
| MB>> like me, this will encourage them to ask questions--even at the
| MB>> risk of getting Off Topic. :)|
A> |
A> '-----[  end  ]-----||

A> ... among those of others. It was not a comment directed at you personally
A> or to comment specifically on anything you did. I actually agree with
A> your comment as quoted above. I just added to it.

As usual, I have managed to misunderstand the English language, my
native tongue. :) I thought you were modifying something you did not
actually quite agree with.

All the same, I have made your busy list and your work much longer
tonight, and I am sorry for it. And I still wonder if we shouldn't
have a list geared more toward people like me. :)

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

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