> I don't see it as a problem on TBUDL. There are two or sometimes three
> such requests per month. I think your feeling fed up stems from your
> other lists.

  Not from the lists I administrate - my own system using explicit addys
  for unsubscribing works as I want them to. But I have seen this problem
  pop up on some other lists I follow. I was talking about a problem in
  general - people tend to excuse themselves that they can't/couldn't
  find the info anywhere - yet the info is on their nose!

> Besides, this is part of a test to see, if changing the footer to a URL
> instead of containing all the addresses for un/subscribe etc. will
> result in an increase of onlist requests. I don't feel it has. I think
> that people who don't use URLs in footers won't look at e-mail addresses
> either...

  Let me assure you - an email address in the message footer really works!

> I'm afraid, being rude won't change anything about this. :-) Anyway,
> you can let off steam...

  I can of course agree to that - I was just fed up...

/ St

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