Hello Spike,

On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 10:40:11 -0500 GMT (06/03/03, 22:40 +0700 GMT),
Spike wrote:

> I simply run MS Office [SPIT!] apps in {DEFAULT} macros disabled! Very
> simple!

Yes, but it depends on what you do outside of cyberworld. I cannot
afford disabling them, as I receive valid MS Office files with macros.

> Besides, only ONE person has ever sent me a *.DOC or *.XLS document.

I know many. I get many of those files.

>  He uses NAV, so I trust HIS A/V setup, since I configured it
> for him :^)

And you *know* that he updates it? My mother uses NAV, my sister
installed it for her 5 years ago, and I don't think she has ever
updated it. I scared her into never opening attachments, and she
hasn't been hit. Yet. ;-)

> I volunteer in a computer recycling effort here, so I never have less
> than 30-40 systems just lying around.  I'll readily admit this is a
> luxury some cannot afford.

ROTFLMAO! No, I don't happen to have 30-40 systems lying around...



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