On Thursday, March 06, 2003 at 18:42:28GMT -0800 (which was 9:42 PM where I live) 
  Melissa Reese wrote and made these points on the subject of "Antivirus":
MR> On Thursday, March 06, 2003, at 6:21:42 PM PST, Mike Alexander wrote:

>> Hey, it's for Windows ME and that dog has never been friendly - or
>> workable ;-)

MR> A minor defense of WinME...


MR> Without getting into a discussion of the stability of NT/2000/XP, most
MR> people who recommend against WinME will claim that Win98/SE is more
MR> stable than WinME.  Obviously, this has not been my experience...not
MR> even close.  Any anti-ME experts out there care to explain this to me?

All I can say is that different things work for different people.  For
me on my laptop, Win98SE works MUCH better than ME.  In fact, WIn98SE is
better than 2000/XP on it.

Maybe Sony optimized the hardware for 98SE.

Best regards,
Southern DOS: Y'all reckon? (Yep/Nope)   
Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows 98 4.10 Build  2222 A 

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