Hello Wayne,

 Saturday, March 15, 2003, 1:54:07 PM, you wrote:

> Or... Would it be a better *not* to use the plug-in and configure NODs
> pop3scan for each account?

As a NOD32 user for a couple of years now, I have tried the plug-in
and also found it to be intrusive.  For me and my machine I prefer to
use the Popscan program instead. At least on this machine it seems to
perform faster.  Now, on one of those newer P4 machines with their
fast processors, the owners may have a different story all together.

I run the popscan along with VET as the file monitor.  I have been
with VET for years back when it was popular for intranet systems.  Vet
catches and deletes the attached virus in the temp folder, that is
just how I have my machine set up, your mileage may vary:) Bottom line
both program have caught most virus att. thus far (knocking on wood)

 The Bat1.63 Beta/7 

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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