Hello Thomas,

On Sat, 28 Jun 2003, at 18:45:10 GMT +0700 (6/28/2003, 6:45 AM -0500 GMT
here), you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> But. If you use AB templates (which I do a lot), you have to add it to
> every single template. Well, I did this when I set them up, but I
> still thought it would be easier on account level.


> But it is not really a very important point. ;-)

I think so. I have 3 main email accounts. One is for mail lists such as
this one. The second is for personal email. The last is for my
university account. BCC on mail list account is not needed because it
should be returned. On the other hand the personal account with a BCC at
the account level would be nice because simple setup and only 1 set of
filters on the inbound side.

On the university account I set up BCC in new and reply templates at the
account level. I want to keep running dialog of all email
correspondence. I think having incorporated into the interface would
make it more user friendly.

Best regards,

Greg Strong                     
TB! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows XP Service Pack 1

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