Hello Nigel!

On Wednesday, July 09, 2003, 12:41 PM, you wrote, about the "Could not
connect to server" messages TB! is giving you:

N> The account server names are correct. I've tried using the DNS addresses rather 
N> than the server names but it makes no difference.

N> I thought the problem might be caused by some of my MSIE connection settings or 
N> by some of my other applications (NAV 2003, The Proxomitron, or NearSite). But 
N> I disabled all of these but it makes no difference.

N> I've even used the identical account setting on my wife's machine and The Bat! 
N> works fine (Windows 98) but for some reason, it's a non-starter on mine.

Just in case it might help: I think this may be an operating system
weakness rather than a TB! weakness. I get this message rather
randomly and as often as several times a day, then sometimes only
several times a week. My OS is Win XP Home--that's a system kin to Windows
2000, isn't it?

It usually happens after I have had the computer and TB! up and
running for several hours. Sometimes just hanging up the modem,
waiting about a minute, and then re-dialing will fix it. (I have
dial-up networking.)

Other times I have shut down and rebooted and the problem has gone
away for awhile.

Sometimes only the e-mail connection gets an error message. At other
times I get an error message from my browser (IE 6) that "the page
cannot be displayed" as well--discovered this when I tried to read my
mail on my ISP website when I couldn't access it through TB!.

This has been going on ever since I got XP Home.

At first I thought the problem was actually on the server end. And
sometimes, that might be the case. But I've had a different server for
about a month, and the same error messages occur at random.

I am always able to fix the problem, temporarily, so far, by

I am most curious about why. But I do suspect the modem-messaging code
in the OS. I have a feeling that I just have to live with it!

Best regards,

The Bat! 1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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