On Thu, 10 Jul 2003, Nick OHare2 wrote:

> I'm not too sure whether or not this (incredibly) talented group can
> help me or it's a developer problem.
> Two days ago emails stopped coming into my account.  A quick check of
> the log showed that the messages were listed as "received" but each
> message was promptly followed with
> ! 7/8/03, 16:20:20: fetch - [inbox] could not store message
> (file name - c:\docume~1\admin~1\locals~1\temp\bat1bbo.tmp
> A check of the tmp files in question however shows that the messages
> were written (with varying file sizes) and I can open them in
> Notepad and see the message.
> There were over 18,000 tmp files in the directory and at first I
> thought that TB! was choking on the number so I deleted them all.
> This didn't help.  I then downloaded TB! and reinstalled it (I didn't
> do an uninstall first.)

1) problem can be antivirus, but you did not told about antivirus 

2) tmp files are stored but not imported to TB, as I understand. Did 
not your system crashed two days ago? Try to close TB, backup 
messages.tbb and messsages.tbi files from INBOX folder of this account 
and run TB again. One user has similar problem and he had corrupted 
msgbase somehow (probably by crash).

Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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