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Sunday, August 24, 2003
7:20:42 AM (GMT -05:00)
RE: "blah!"

Greetings io219,

On Friday, August 22, 2003, 7:55:26 PM, you wrote:

io219> Regardless, when I read that, I just sighed. I guess it's funny in a satanic
io219> sorta way, but it gets old, especially when you experience the same from
io219> most companies. RIT support is similarly horrid, except the people I was
io219> talking to either cannot understand english very well or use that
io219> possibility as a ploy to increase the users chance of giving up, much like
io219> my younger sister doing the dishes in such a fucked up manner that my
io219> parents were wary to ask her to do them again, she did it on purpose.

Support raises the cost of an application. The_Bat! is a very
powerful and INEXPENSIVE MUA for just that reason. RITLabs consists of
developers and coders. Being as technical support is done by members
(volunteers) who support The_Bat! and RITLabs in this arena The_Bat!
remains at reasonable cost. There are many here (including myself) who
have not utilized another MUA besides The_Bat! for quite a number of
years. Very little, unless it's a programming issue, can we NOT assist
you with or figure out.

BTW, I find your use of the word f***** both offensive and well out of
context. You are a business man?

io219> RIT support is similar to that of an open source project. I did not realize
io219> that previously, so I was mailing them directly expecting quality e-mail
io219> support, when I should have been asking the devout users on these lists.

Exactly. See above.

In closing the most intelligent people currently are NOT those that
know everything but those that know where to look to get an answer.
Also you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Two good
lessons a young business man, such as yourself, should follow.

Sorry to the rest of you on TBUDL.

Moderators; I will now shut up!

Anyway ...

- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

Crime, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs...Boy do I love Congress!

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