Hello Terry,

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, at 18:38:53 [GMT +0100] (which was 18:38 in my
TimeZone) you wrote:

T> Hi all,

T> Is there a way to prevent e-mail being sent to an address? I've tried
T> an outgoing e-mail filter but it doesn't work. It seems to be
T> triggered only after the e-mail's been sent.

T> I have a friend who is looking for an e-mail solution for a small law
T> office and they'd like to be able to do something along these lines to
T> ensure that e-mail doesn't inadvertently get sent somewhere it isn't
T> supposed to go, like opposing counsel. Sounds to me sort of like an
T> outgoing whitelist would serve the purpose, but I haven't ever heard
T> of anything like that.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I dont think there is any way to do this in the bat. However you could
if you are networked, set one PC up as a mail server, and use rules on
that mailserver to block messages.

You would of course need mailserver software, kerio or such like.
There are free mailservers available. I am sure someone else knows
where you can find them, I cant remember any off the top of my head.

Best regards,

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