On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 12:16:27 +0700 GMT, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

TF> AB templates are much safer. I create a new message, type TBU in the
TF> TO field, and the address will be autocompleted to TBUDL. That's why I

I've been switching to address book templates somewhat and the
autocomplete feature is flaky at best.

I created a new address book 'Mail Lists' with tbudl and tbot entries
Set autocomplete to check all address books
On a new message entering TB pops in the tbot entry and thats all I
can get.  Continuing on to spell out TBUDL doesn't help.

It's like it is only parsing the first two and then the first match it
finds simply is either it or expects me to manually enter a proper
email address.

If I remove the TBOT entry then it will find the TBUDL entry and use
it. I figure it may have something to do with the entry I have made
and the autocomplete

I've tried a few approaches thinking perhaps the entry is causing
problems. No matter what the autocomplete seems to not work reliably
with the history option off (just multiple addr books on)

I thought that I'd beaten it by deleting the addr entries and adding
them from the message via RT click.. Seemed to work for a bit then
quit. (I think that I left history autocommplete on and upon turning it
off things went bad again)

Is this behavior that has been seen before or am I just lucky and
TB is messing with me?

If anyone has dialed in the logic used in autocomplete I'd love to
hear it.. I gave up after 30 mins or so of investigating since I got
tired of fooling with it.

On a similar note, has anyone ever discovered a way to purge the
history(addy,subject etc, MRU type,etc) strings that get cached in TB?

-- Pixie
Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 95 4.0

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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