07-Sep-2003 13:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>> Full price instead of 50% discount?

A>> Its a "buy or die" update policy. Wonderful customer service, isn't it!

> It's  no different to the way Microsoft, Lotus and many other software
> companies  work.

If I want to upgrade from Office97 today I get a discount price on Office
XP, same goes for Windows v.whatever and whatnot. After *years* and not
within 2 months only. This is what I mean with "buy or die". If you don't
want to update to v2 within two months, pay the full price, and it came all
of a sudden after Ritlabs changed their beta numbering from v1.63xxx to
v2.00xxx. I'd like to call that a bit unsensible.

And what a lot of people are overseeing is that the v2 license is not "one
person" but "one computer". So, if you're using TB on your laptop and your
home computer, you need another full license AFAIK.

> Once the code base becomes too separated there's no point in continuing
> both. The Linux 2.0 kernel has bugs that no-one is going to fix because
> major versions have been released.

Microsoft is still fixing bugs in IE5, IE5.5, IE5.5SP2, IE6, IE6SP1, and I
personally regard v6 as "major", same goes for WinNT4, 2000 vs XP. I'd
rather expected Microsoft to behave the way Ritlabs do concerning their
updates, than the other way around.

> Also it's not really a buy or die policy as 1.6x is an incredibly
> powerful mail client which most people could continue using. If you want
> the features of V2 then you'll need to upgrade.

Maybe one day I want to. Maybe (or rather: certainly) this is not within
the next two months. Then I have to pay the full price again. I registered
because TB is an excellent program and I wanted to support further
development, but my personal feeling is that on the other hand I'm not
treated with that respect.

> I used TB! for 4 years upgrading everytime a new version was released and
> was never asked to pay a penny more than my original payment.

Precisely! You're paying $17.50 update fee for four *years* of usage, I'd
be asked to pay the same amount after only six *months*! Its a rather
unfair treatment of new vs. long time users, and I'm not buying it.

> Also considering how powerful TB! and the cost of most software nowadays
> Iw as thrilled to only be charged £20.

I stated it before. I beg your pardon, I don't think it is so hard to
understand: I don't need any v2 features right now. Yet I'd like to 1. have
the option to a reasonable update fee even after two months (rather than
buy-now-or-die) and 2. have the fact regarded that I was using the program
not for years, but only months.

> If  version2  is upgraded like V1 was I'll be a happy bunny for many a
> year to come.

If I were using v1 for a couple of years already, I'd wholeheartedly agree
with you...

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

Artists never thrive in colonies. Ants do. What the budding artist needs is
the priviledge of wrestling with his problems in solitude - and now and
then a piece of red meat. -- Henry Miller

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