Hello Alexander,

Sunday, September 7, 2003, 7:01:58 AM, you wrote:

A> You're paying $17.50 update fee for four *years* of usage, I'd
A> be asked to pay the same amount after only six *months*! Its a rather
A> unfair treatment of new vs. long time users, and I'm not buying it.

Good grief!  You're comparing a $17.50 upgrade fee to the mega bucks
that M$ charges for their upgrades?  And don't believe for a minute
this myth of IE being "free."  You pay for it many times more than it
is worth with every Windows license.  Give these guys a break.  I
would have gladly paid $17.50 for a maintenance contract on v1, but I
didn't need to - the upgrades were free!

Just skip a couple of grande lattes and you'll have it paid for!


Best regards,
 Freddie                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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