Carsten Guthardt-Schulz, [CGS] wrote:

CGS> - The differences between 1.62 (especially 1.63beta)

Stop there. 1.63beta was not a release version. It's unfair to compare
v2 to it when speaking of upgrades.

CGS> and 2.0 are not that huge after all.

There are many differences. If you aren't interested in them, that
doesn't mean they aren't there.

CGS> Of course a lot changed since 1.0, but that doesn't help the users
CGS> who registered in July.

Ritlabs put a 2 month limit on those who will receive free upgrades in
terms of time between v1.x registration and the v2 release. This is
understandable and is a reality. I've been hit by this limit with
registration more negatively than positive. This is just how it is.

CGS> To make it fair they should be allowed to upgrade any time later,

Now *this*, I agree with provide the upgrade is between v1.x and v2.

Ritlabs took a long time to ask for an upgrade charge for a lot of the
enhancements since I started using it. The recent licensees really
shouldn't suffer for this.

CGS> when 2.0 offers enough improvement for them to be worth the
CGS> upgrade. And don't anyone tell me that v2 has been 75% (or
CGS> completely as Ritlabs announec months or years ago) newly
CGS> programmed.

But it has. :)

CGS> Some same stupid bugs persist (like the line-wrap

What line wrap bug?

CGS> and the consequence that you can't Ctrl-Backspace over lines) and
CGS> the program looks pretty much the same

Are you speaking of MicroEd here? If so, I doubt that they've done
anything with MicroEd since there's really nothing wrong with it. It
works differently, that's all. The alternative editor will likely work
more like how you'd expect it to.

CGS> - V2 is still pretty much a beta, just released to keep the announced date.
CGS> I just installed it for a friend on a WinXP machine: The menu bar
CGS> background stays white after having clicked on a menu, and then there were
CGS> a couple of crashes (access violations), e.g. when purging folders. For
CGS> more see TBBETA list.

Except for a memory consumption problem, it works fine here. However,
memory issues and other bugs occur with full release applications all
the time.

CGS> The argument that Ritlabs is a company and is free to do what they
CGS> want doesn't count. Of course they can do what they want, but they
CGS> have to live with the users' opionions and/or reactions to that.
CGS> (no to get into the ethics stuff)

I agree with you here.

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